production offices

Production offices are key elements of any major event – the heartbeat of the production planning and execution – the go-to place for contractors coming to site, and so on. Some major events are weeks, if not months, in the planning, and the production office is the first area to be put into place and furnished, with everything stemming from here in the build up – and during – the event.  Here are our furniture hire and equipment suggestions for event production offices, which you might find useful.

Without doubt, production offices are one of the unsung heroes of any major event, whether it is a festival, international sporting occasion or, indeed, any other major event.  This is where the organisers run the show from, and so it needs to be well-equipped with everything you would expect to find in a traditional office, but in this temporary setting.

Most professionals today will have their own tech and gadgets, but obviously internet access is a must!  From the point of view of furniture hire, though, there are plenty of options for you right here.  From desks and pedestal drawers through to filing cabinets, executive chairs, lockers and hat and cost stands, to name just a few of the items, we have everything you could possibly need to furnish a temporary event production office in a professional, stylish and functional manner, creating an efficient and effective office environment for the event team.

And it’s not just furniture hire that we can provide, even though you might not see these items on our website.  You need to make sure that staff welfare is catered for, so desk fans for summer events, and halogen heaters for winter events are must-haves, as well as other equipment hire such as water coolers & dispensers, drinks fridges and so on.  Speak to your account manager about this type of equipment, should you need it, as this is something we can offer you.

When the time comes, rest assured that the team here at Spaceworks is here to provide you with a seamless furniture hire experience from start to finish, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with us today.

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