Top tips for hiring furniture for major sports events
furniture for major sports events


Read today's article which contains some top tips for when you come to hire furniture for major sports events!

The world of event planning is a competitive one and, with so many elements to organise, you can be forgiven for not putting hiring furniture at the top of your priority list.

However, it is the interaction of ALL the elements of your sports hospitality event that will make it the complete success you are no doubt hoping to be.

When it comes to hiring furniture for major sports events, we’d like to think that you’ll be paying us a visit here at Spaceworks as our range is unrivalled in the country. In the meantime, though, let’s take a look at our top tips for hiring furniture and what to look out for.

Ensure the quality

Quality is, of course, vitally important. The quality of your furniture will reflect you as an event professional and the event / venue / brand you are working for. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression!

Can your supplier provide the quantity you need?

Furniture from the biggest and best furniture rental companies in the UK is always in demand, especially at peak times such as during the summer months. So, you need to have confidence in the fact that your temporary event furniture rental supplier is going to be able to provide what you need, in the quantities you need. There’s nothing worse than having non-matching chairs and other furniture in event hospitality spaces – it really doesn’t look great.

Value the level of service & support

The biggest, national and international sports events are huge occasions, and so service and support is vital. This usually involves having a site manager from each of your contractors on-site in the days prior to the event, to ensure that everything is going to plan. This is something that Spaceworks provide as a matter of course.

Price isn’t everything

And finally, price. You’ll notice that we’ve left this until last. Price is, of course, important, but it’s probably not THE most important factor. Look for a value for money in terms of the product you are receiving and the service, support and expertise that you are getting – this has a huge value. Would you rather pay less and encounter problems, or pay a little more to receive a seamless experience? The answer seems obvious to us.

When the time comes for you to rent furniture for major sports events in the UK, don’t hesitate to browse our online range here at Spaceworks and get in contact, either by dropping us a quote request via the website or simply be giving us a call. One of our team will be delighted to discuss your specific event requirements in more detail, and so we very much look forward to hearing from you soon.
